march book haul

Hello everyone ! Today I’m here to talk about the book I bought/got during the month of March.

I bought a total of 3 books, received 2 pre orders and won an ebook ! So, without further ado, here is my March book haul !

Books I bought :


  • The Bane Chronicles by Cassandra Clare, Sarah Rees Brennan and Maureen Johnson. It’s a collection of short stories around Magnus Bane, an important character in the shadowhunters series, The Mortal Instruments and The Infernal Devices. I’ve read a few of them that I’ve bought last year on my kindle.
  • Outlander by Diana Gabaldon. It’s a book that I already own in another (not pretty) edition and I wanted that one !
  • Dragonfly In Amber by Diana Gabaldon. I also own another edition and I’ve been meaning to pick it up again for months now ! Since the show is coming back, I need to finish it !


Pre orders :


  • A Gathering Of Shadows by V.E. Schwab. That’s right ! My pre order arrived on March 10th ! I was so angry with amazon, you have no idea !!
  • Lady Midnight by Cassandra Clare, which is the first book in The Dark Artifices series, another Shadowhunters series ! This one I bought on bookdepository and got the day it was released !


e book :

inconceivable !

Inconceivable ! by Tegan Wren that I won !

The author organized a giveaway on her instagram account and I was lucky enough to win an e copy !

Thanks again for the giveaway !


And that’s all I get for the month of March ! Which books did you get ?



21 thoughts on “| BOOK HAUL | MY MARCH BOOK HAUL

  1. Lol! I’m so silly. I saw Inconceivable! in bold and thought you meant inconceivable that you got an e-book. Smh. I had to reread that part. I guess my mind is slowing down now after a long day.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. I got Lady Midnight and AGOS this month as well, even though I still haven’t read Lady Midnight. And I was SO close to buying the Bane Chronicles, but then I backed out and bought the Shadowhunter codex instead.

    Liked by 1 person

      1. I am going to buddy read it with Cristina and CĂ¡tia, but CĂ¡tia’s copy is taking forever to get to her đŸ˜¦ she pre-ordered it at the same time as me but she still doesn’t have it.

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